Member Spotlight
Nicholas Holden
Originally from the UK, Nick Holden (here showing his ‘lockdown look’) has lived in Kraków for eight years. He founded Native Speaker Communications in 2018 and is a longtime member of the local startup scene. Nick is one of the original Yolk Members.
Nick previously co-founded four companies, in interactive media and games industries, that dealt with clients such as the BBC, EA, LEGO and many more. He now focuses his time on his own consultancy practice Native Speaker Communications (NSC), helping companies develop their communication strategies for the English-speaking world.
Often startups and companies interested in trading internationally communicate their message in a way that suits their own culture and point of view, instead of what’s familiar for the target audience. Nick helps them get into contact with their target audience’s communication – and uncover their own uniqueness, with messages and content that expands the personality of their project.
Nicholas about Yolk
Yolk combines a stylish, high-quality work space with a friendly community of professional people. Centrally located and also free from traffic noise.
Where do you like to spend time here?
In my kamienica, at 5Rhythms, Yolk, Hariprasad Samosa&Curry, Hariprasad Samosa&Curry, Open Coffee or nearby forest and lakes.
What’s an unusual habit or interest of yours?
I like dynamic meditation of all kinds.
What do you do to get back on track when you feel overwhelmed or unfocused?
Speak with someone wiser than me; anyone who’s found they are OK with chaos. Or do the “make my day” task that pops out on my list, ignoring all else. Or cycle, dog walk or get my swerve on.
What are you a connoisseur of?
People’s modus operandi and how it makes them powerful in some roles and lost in others. It’s a constant source of surprise and appreciation for me.
What are you working on currently?
Supporting NSC’s clients and also Gov-o-Meter – a new project dedicated to increasing public participation in politics.

Twitter: NSCnicholas
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